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"Today the Tri-Nations publish their vision for the future of grass-root darts; it is quite a comprehensive document. The executive of the Tri-Nations has tried to address many of the concerns of grass-root dart players, whilst keeping in place the integrity of the system.
Although we are all unsure, when any plans can be implemented due to the current pandemic, the Tri-Nations executive feel that is imperative , that plans are in place once the sport of darts returns to normal.
We urge all officials and players to study the plans we are putting forward, plans which have been fully costed, and are a viable way forward, for everyone, should they choose to join us. It would be helpful to gauge some sort of support, to enable us to go into the market place confident we have a product on offer, which is supported by you the players."

Tri Nations Vision For The Future - Read Now

On Behalf of the Tri-Nations Darts Ltd.
Tommy Thompson